Tuesday, May 08, 2007

what I've been doing when I should be studying

1. Getting a haircut and then taking way too many pictures of myself.

2. Attending crazed hippy fertility festivals where I'm near-immolated by people dressed almost exclusively in body paint.

3. Going up to the Highlands (the Highlands of Scotland) to visit old family friends and taking too many pictures of their chickens because I like chickens. No, not to eat. I think they're very photogenic poultry.

4. Soup.

5. Falling a little more in love with Edinburgh every day, and feeling a little bummed that I'm leaving in about two weeks. And that I'm wasting my final time here studying, and procrastinating studying, in my bedroom. Nonetheless, very excited for the months of travel to come: and for the count down to seeing my friends and family!


Cosette said...

I LOVE the haircut. You rock dudette! And way to stall on getting the most out of your education. Education is sooo overrated.

I was going to write you an email, but realized nothing exciting has happened to me in the last two weeks. So that's why you haven't heard from me. I'm boring. Once somethign interesting happens though, I'm totally letting you know! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

New post! New post!

Just because your studies are over, doesn't mean your obligation to fill others (namely me) in on exciting stuff is done. I need someone to live vicariously through! Come on! Spill the beanos! How do you say "beans" in Estonian? Is that even a language?