Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Immediate and Inevitable Come-Uppance

So last night, during A Touch of Zen, I managed to spill the contents of my purse all over the theatre floor. I scrambled around in the dark and piled everything back in, but apparently I missed one very important item.

This morning I woke up, got dressed, and was about to head out for the gym, when I realized that my wallet wasn't in my purse. Wherever could it be? Why, on the theatre floor, of course. I waited until noon, when the theatre opens, and called to ask if a wallet had been found... but no dice. The very sympathetic-sounding-but-useless young man took my name and number and promised to call if anything turns up. That was two hours ago.

Now the question is: how long do I wait before I start replacing things? My wallet held my credit card (with no available credit, so no worries there), my Canadian bank card, my student card, my ISIC card, and my Driver's License, to name a few. It also held the rest of the film tickets for the Chinese Film Festival, so I guess I won't be seeing the rest of my exciting cinema. I start traveling for Easter break as of March 28th, at the latest, and I can't function in the rest of Europe without either my credit card or my Scotiabank card, because my Bank of Scotland card doesn't work outside the U.K. My plan is to wait until 4:30, call back to see if anyone has turned anything in at that point, and if not begin the long, costly, and totally irritating process of replacing everything I've lost.

This is completely what I get for gloating.


Anonymous said...

Dude, that's really really harsh.

Also, it's kind of (but only in a really really tiny way) hilarious that you have both those posts back-to-back, one is all "huzzah for movies that I will now refer to as cinema, I'm going to go gallavant!" and the other is like "oh what the hell is this."

Since I think there's a difference in time or something (I should know this by now), I'd say call and cancel and get new everything right away. They do sweeps of movie theatres every day, so if the staff didn't find it last night, some jerkface did and is now watching some thrilling and free Chinese cinema. So sucks to that douchebag, whoever s/he may be, and get yourself a new bank card. Somehow.


Oh, but as an inspirational story, a friend of mine was once backpacking through Eastern Europe by herself and her wallet was stolen in Budapest. So at least you don't have to spend the night fighting sleep in the train station, hugging your backpack and staring down fellow homeless people!

Hannah said...

Crisis averted: yesterday I got a call from the Filmhouse saying they'd found my wallet, and it still had EVERYTHING in it, meaning I am the luckiest person in the universe. To celebrate I went out and bought shoes. And a jacket. And lipstick. And lipgloss. But in my defense I REALLY need the jacket-and-shoes part. The makeup was just due to the siren call of MAC... always taunting me...