Tuesday, November 14, 2006

moral lethargy or in defense of caring

In the past months I have become increasingly overwhelmed by two things: the shocking moral lethargy of the majority of people, and my overwhelming pride in those who I know who are doing something to change the world. In regards to the former, as I'm sure I've mentioned to several of you, I keep encountering women who don't care about women's rights or think feminism has "done its job" and supposed animal lovers who eat meat anyway because vegetarianism is too much work. In regards to the latter, I'm thinking of people like Anneke, who sees injustice in her own backyard, is outraged, and tries to mend it; and Jessie, who feels grateful for how much life has given her and expresses it through helping others. People like this give me hope that our generation is not full of morally lethargic nihilists who can't be bothered to care.
To this end, I have set up a new blog... of sorts. It isn't for me to write on, though I did put in the first submission. It's basically a forum for people who care about things to post what they care about. I want to prove, to myself and to anyone who's interested to see, that our generation is full of activists and agitators who see that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and try to make it better. The site is called "what are you doing" and basically anyone can email me whatever they want - art, photography, a quote they like, or something more elaborate, like a written description of the causes they believe in, really absolutely anything, and I'll post it. I guess it's supposed to be a collage of caring-about-anything. It's mostly for my peace of mind. I hope it works out.


Hannah said...

if anyone wants to check it out the url is morallethargy.wordpress.com

jessie said...

i like the layout - is that the bus from arlington? or is that just a random image you found? either way, i like the symbolism.

i when i first read it here, i read the statement "what are you doing?" not as an honest question (ie: what are you doing to make the world better?) but more like a rhetorical statement (ie: what the fuck are you doing, ass-hat?), and i was kind of disappointed to find out that i was wrong. other than that, tres cool idea. do you want us to pass it on and let other people know about it?

jessie said...

AHHH - i don't want that picture to show up when i post!! noooooo! i was just using it as a test... and now everyone has to see me in venice in the rain!

Hannah said...

I love that picture of you, it's hilarious. You look so smug. Also, pass it on to everyone, the more the merrier.